
Our graduates

Alice Guthrie

Languages: Spanish, Arabic, French
Location: South East England

Born in London and raised in rural Norfolk, Alice Guthrie is a freelance translator, writer, editor and researcher working in Arabic, Spanish, French and English. Her translations of Syrian, Palestinian, Moroccan, Iraqi, Egyptian, Sudanese and Saudi literary works have been published by various UK and US presses and venues – most recently in the current edition of the Massachusetts Review. Diverse media and academic translations have appeared in international online and print media, and her own (non-translated) journalistic work has appeared in the Guardian and on the BBC. 
 Previously Arab World and Euromed Project Manager at Literature Across Frontiers, she is currently literary producer for Shubbak, London’s biennial festival of Arab arts and culture, and bilingual English/Arabic editor at London literary press Darf Books. She was one of the American Literary Translators Association Fellows in 2014, as well as Translator in Residence 2014 at London’s Free Word Centre, where she devised and delivered a range of multilingual workshops for schools and community groups in London and Bristol, produced a range of online media content and curated public literary events.